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dontdillydally (Web App)

4 minute read

A web app to track time and money for self-employed people.

dontdillydally helps you track time and money.

  • Aimed at the self-employed
  • Focused on simplicity and ease of use

As this is a web app you don’t need to install it, just go to dontdillydally.app to start using it immediately in your browser.

How to Use

Tap the bird at any time in the app to see the built-in guide

On the left-hand side of the app you will see icons which you can tap to change which section you’re on or perform other functions.


This is the page you’ll use the most, it’s where you enter your hours worked and any money coming in or going out.

A worksheet is made of entries. An entry is one of the following:

  • time spent on a specific job
  • money spent on something (expenses)
  • money coming in (income)

To add an entry, just tap on the date where you want to add it

Each entry can have a client and/or a job selected. If you do this you’ll then be able to get a report showing you how many hours you worked on that job/client, or how much money you made or spent.

You can also add Notes to an entry.

All data fields in an entry are optional, add as much or as little info as you like.

  • By default when you add a new entry it will be a time entry, and show a clock icon next to it.
  • If you tap the clock, the icon changes to a credit card and the entry becomes a money entry.
  • To enter an expense, set the value of a money entry to something negative eg -100.00 means you spent 100.

Here you can get a clear view of everything entered into an entire worksheet, or narrow down on a specific job or client:

  • Choose a date range from within your worksheet
  • Choose a specfic client or job
  • Look at only money in/out (hide hours)
  • Look at only hours worked (hide money)

Then you’ll be able to see:

  • How much time you’ve spent
  • How much you’ve earned
  • A list of all worksheet entries matching your selection showing eg time, monetary values, notes
Jobs and Clients

Jobs and Clients can be created and edited here, including:

  • A name for the job or client
  • Colours (foreground and background) used to represent the job or client in the app
Minimise/maximise menu

Toggles whether the menu is minimised or maximised.

Minimised Show only icons
Maximised Show icons + text labels
WebDAV sync

This is an experimental feature to sync your data to a WebDAV server so you can keep several devices in sync.

It’s a work-in-progress and not really recommended for most users at this point.

Download data as file
Tap this to download all of your data and settings in a file. It will usually end up in your main Downloads folder.
Upload data file

If you have a file you previously downloaded you can bring that data back into the app with this button.

When importing the data you will be given the option to Merge or Overwrite your current data.

Email data to a preconfigured address
You need to set an email address in Settings for this option to work. Your device also needs to know what to do with mailto: links.
Wipe your data
Completely wipe all of your data and start fresh.

Data Storage

  • Automatically saved continually while you work The bird’s eye spins when changes are being saved, this is intentionally kept subtle but can be disabled in settings
  • Your data is stored inside your browser and stays on your device, it never travels over the internet (unless you decide to send it via email) and is not stored on any servers
  • Data uses a simple JSON format, it can be exported/imported as a file to move it between devices

Source Code

This is an open-source app. You can find the source code here:

Support Development




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